Why You Should Speak Up Against Academic Fraud

Ever thought about the impact of blowing the whistle on fraud in colleges or universities? It's a big deal! Picture this: you stumble upon some shady stuff happening at your University, like someone faking grades or cooking up bogus certificates. It's not just about exposing the bad apples; it's about keeping the soul of Indian education system intact.


More than that, speaking up sets a powerful example. It tells everyone that shady dealings won't fly and encourages a culture of honesty and accountability. And hey, there's a whole bunch of folks ready to have your back, from support groups to legal aid. 
So, next time you catch wind of something fishy, don't just look the other way. Stand up, speak out, and be the change-maker your school—and the world—needs. 

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Education Fraud Check (EFC) is an important part of the IBC Group. EFC is our way of fighting against dishonest practices in the education field. Our goal at EFC is to uncover and stop these dishonest practices in schools and colleges/universities.

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